Bad breath or halitosis can be very bothersome. Most of the time, it is a temporary condition, such as morning breath caused by a decrease in saliva production during sleep. Halitosis results from the action of oral bacteria that break down food proteins, generating malodorous compounds. The main causes are gum disease, poor oral hygiene, cavities or infections, smoking, retention of food particles and reduced saliva flow. The majority of cases resolve with better oral hygiene, but some require additional treatment.

Gum grafting is offered to patients with thin gums and exposed tooth roots. This intervention aims to thicken the gums and resolve aesthetic problems linked to loose teeth. It can also reduce or resolve tooth sensitivity. Several factors can promote gum recession: misaligned teeth, aging, thin gums, overly aggressive brushing, teeth grinding and unsuitable dental restorations. Consult your dentist for more information.